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Pet Health Blog

Help, my dog is limping! What should I do?

Help, my dog is limping! What should I do?

Limping is one of the most common reasons that our Matthews emergency see dogs at our animal hospital. Today we look at the causes of limping in dogs, what you can do to help your limping dog, and when it's time to see a vet.

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Problem Behaviors - Dog Chewing

Problem Behaviors - Dog Chewing

Chewing is a normal activity for dogs but naturally, most owners would prefer not to sacrifice their favorite pair of boots to their dog's pastime. Today our Matthews vets offer some tips on how to stop your dog from chewing things they shouldn't.

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Types of Pneumonia in Cats & Symptoms to Watch For

Types of Pneumonia in Cats & Symptoms to Watch For

Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs and airways that can occur in cats for a number of different reasons. Here our Matthews vets explain some causes, symptoms and treatments for pneumonia in cats. 

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Help! I Think My Dog is Constipated

Help! I Think My Dog is Constipated

Constipation in dogs can happen no matter what breed, size or age your pooch is. In fact, constipation is one of the most common digestive issues our Matthews vets see in dogs. Here are some tips on what you should do if you think your dog is constipated.

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What is Valley Fever in Dogs?

What is Valley Fever in Dogs?

Coccidioidomycosis, otherwise known as Valley Fever, is a condition seen in dogs that have spent time in the low desert regions of the Southwestern United States. Many dogs experience no symptoms of valley fever, however dogs that are very young, geriatric or immune-compromised may experience symptoms ranging from fever to joint pain.

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Dogs with Enlarged Hearts (Dilated Cardiomyopathy): Causes, Treatments and Symptoms

Dogs with Enlarged Hearts (Dilated Cardiomyopathy): Causes, Treatments and Symptoms

An enlarged heart in a dog, also known as dilated cardiomyopathy, is a condition with many possible causes and potentially severe effects. Here, our Matthews veterinary team will walk you through this serious condition’s causes, symptoms and treatments.

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Signs of Tick Fever in Dogs & How It Is Treated

Signs of Tick Fever in Dogs & How It Is Treated

Rickettsia rickettsii is a parasite that can be transmitted to your dog through the bite of an infected tick. This parasite is responsible for the spread of tick fever to dogs and people across the US. Today our Matthews vets look at the symptoms of tick fever in dogs and available treatments.

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Help! I think my cat has a fever, what should I do?

Help! I think my cat has a fever, what should I do?

If your cat has a fever it could indicate an underlying health issue. Today our Matthews vets explain the causes of fevers in cats and how you should care for your kitty if they have a fever.

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What You Should Know About Stomach & Intestinal Cancer in Cats

What You Should Know About Stomach & Intestinal Cancer in Cats

The aggressive, painful cancer leiomyosarcoma affects muscles in a cat’s stomach and intestines. Our veterinary oncology team in Matthews describes signs of stomach and intestinal cancer in cats, as well as diagnosis and treatment options. 

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Is my cat causing my asthma attacks?

Is my cat causing my asthma attacks?

Unfortunately it's true that your feline friend may be causing your asthma to act up. That said, if you aren't ready to find a new home for your kitty just yet, there are some things that you can do to help reduce the amount of cat related allergens in your home, and possibly help to reduce your risk of allergic asthma attacks.

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Caring for Pets in Matthews

Carolina Veterinary Specialists in Matthews accepts new clients to our specialty services by referral only. Our emergency service accepts all clients.

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